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- /* $VER: AutoReply.br 1.0 (30.07.96) Neil Bothwick */
- /* A Thor script to generate an event in reply to */
- /* an email. It should be called from SortMail3 */
- Usage = 'Usage: AutoReply.br Config MessageNo'
- options results
- /* Strip "'s from arg string and parse into variables */
- drop Config.
- parse arg CmdLine
- CmdLine = compress(CmdLine,'"')
- parse var CmdLine Config.Name MsgNum
- if Config.Name = '?' | MsgNum = '' then call ExitMsg(Usage)
- /* Load bbsread.library if necessary */
- if ~show('p', 'BBSREAD') then do
- address command
- 'run >nil: `GetEnv THOR/THORPath`bin/LoadBBSRead'
- 'WaitForPort BBSREAD'
- end
- /* Open config file and find matching config entry */
- if ~open(cfgfile,'ENV:Thor/AutoReply.cfg','r') then call ExitMsg('Failed to open configuration file')
- do until eof(cfgfile) | ConfigFound = 'TRUE'
- nextline = readln(cfgfile)
- parse var nextline CfgName CfgVal .
- CfgVal = compress(CfgVal,'"')
- if upper(CfgName) = 'CONFIG' & upper(CfgVal) = upper(Config.Name) then ConfigFound = 'TRUE'
- end
- if eof(cfgfile) then call ExitMsg('Configuration entry for' Config.Name 'not found')
- /* Read configuration details */
- n = 0
- do until eof(cfgfile)
- nextline = readln(cfgfile)
- parse var nextline CfgName '"' CfgVal '"' .
- CfgVal = compress(CfgVal,'"')
- if upper(CfgName) = 'ENDCONFIG' then leave
- n = n+1
- Config.n.Name = upper(CfgName)
- Config.n.Val = CfgVal
- end
- Config.Count = n
- do i = 1 to Config.Count
- select
- when Config.i.Name = 'SYSTEM' then Config.System = Config.i.Val
- when Config.i.Name = 'CONFERENCE' then Config.MailConf = Config.i.Val
- when Config.i.Name = 'SUBJECT' then Config.Subject = Config.i.Val
- when Config.i.Name = 'QUOTEMSG' then Config.QuoteMsg = Config.i.Val
- when Config.i.Name = 'QUOTESTR' then Config.QuoteStr = Config.i.Val
- when Config.i.Name = 'SIGFILE' then Config.SigFile = Config.i.Val
- when Config.i.Name = 'HEADFILE' then Config.HeadFile = Config.i.Val
- when Config.i.Name = 'TEXTFILE' then Config.TextFile = Config.i.Val
- when Config.i.Name = 'FOOTFILE' then Config.FootFile = Config.i.Val
- otherwise call ExitMsg('Configuration file error')
- end
- end
- if symbol('Config.System') ~= 'VAR' then call ExitMsg('System name not defined in config')
- if symbol('Config.MailConf') ~= 'VAR' then call ExitMsg('Mail conference not defined in config')
- if symbol('Config.TextFile') ~= 'VAR' then call ExitMsg('Reply text not defined in config')
- if symbol('Config.QuoteStr') ~= 'VAR' then Config.QuoteStr = ''
- /* Read incoming message */
- address BBSREAD
- drop MsgBody. MsgHead.
- READBRMESSAGE bbsname '"'Config.System'"' confname '"'Config.MailConf'"' msgnr MsgNum textstem MsgBody headstem MsgHead
- if RC > 0 then callExitMsg(BBSREAD.LASTERROR)
- /* Create message file for reply */
- UNIQUEMSGFILE bbsname '"'Config.System'"' stem MsgFile
- if ~open(out,MsgFile.NAME,'w') then call ExitMsg('Unable to create message file')
- /* write headers */
- if symbol('Config.HeadFile') = 'VAR' '' & exists(Config.HeadFile) then do
- if ~open(headers,Config.HeadFile,'R') then call ExitMsg('Unable to open specified header file')
- do until eof(headers)
- headline = readln(headers)
- call writeln(out,headline)
- end
- if headline > '' then call writeln(out,'')
- call close(headers)
- end
- /* Quote original message above reply */
- if upper(Config.QuoteMsg) = 'ABOVE' then do
- do i = 1 to MsgBody.TEXT.COUNT
- if length(MsgBody.TEXT.i) > 0 then call writeln(out,Config.QuoteStr||MsgBody.TEXT.i)
- else call writeln(out,'')
- end
- end
- /* Write reply */
- if ~open(reply,Config.TextFile) then call ExitMsg('Unable to open reply text file')
- do until eof(reply)
- call writeln(out,readln(reply))
- end
- call close(reply)
- /* Quote original message below reply */
- if upper(Config.QuoteMsg) = 'BELOW' then do i = 1 to MsgBody.TEXT.COUNT
- if length(MsgBody.TEXT.i) > 0 then call writeln(out,Config.QuoteStr||MsgBody.TEXT.i)
- else call writeln(out,'')
- end
- /* Add signature */
- if symbol('Config.SigFile') = 'VAR' '' & exists(Config.SigFile) then do
- if ~open(sig,Config.SigFile,'R') then call ExitMsg('Unable to open signature file')
- do until eof(sig)
- sigline = readln(sig)
- call writeln(out,sigline)
- end
- call close(sig)
- end
- /* Add footer file */
- if symbol('Config.FootFile') = 'VAR' '' & exists(Config.FootFile) then do
- if ~open(foot,Config.FootFile,'R') then call ExitMsg('Unable to open footer file')
- do until eof(foot)
- footline = readln(foot)
- call writeln(out,footline)
- end
- call close(foot)
- end
- call close(out)
- /* Create subject line */
- ReplySubject = MsgHead.SUBJECT
- select
- when symbol('Config.Subject') ~= 'VAR' then do
- if left(upper(ReplySubject),3) ~= 'RE:' then ReplySubject = 'Re:' ReplySubject
- end
- when pos('%S',upper(Config.Subject)) = 0 then ReplySubject = Config.Subject
- otherwise do
- InsertPos = pos('%S',upper(Config.Subject))
- ReplySubject = left(Config.Subject,InsertPos-1)||ReplySubject||substr(Config.Subject,InsertPos+2)
- end
- end
- /* Create EMail reply event */
- drop EventData.
- EventData.TOADDR = MsgHead.FROMADDR
- EventData.SUBJECT = ReplySubject
- EventData.CONFERENCE = Config.MailConf
- EventData.MSGFILE = MsgFile.FILEPART
- if symbol('MsgHead.FROMNAME') = 'VAR' then EventData.TONAME = MsgHead.FROMNAME
- WRITEBREVENT bbsname '"'Config.System'"' event 0 stem EventData
- if RC > 0 then call ExitMsg(BBSREAD.LASTERROR)
- exit
- ExitMsg:
- parse arg msgstr
- if symbol('MsgFile.NAME') = 'VAR' then do
- call close(out)
- address command 'delete >NIL:' MsgFile.NAME
- end
- say ''
- say 'AutoReply.br:' msgstr
- say ''
- exit